Coastal Services Update2022 chalet hire
As the time is almost upon us when you would be looking to book your chalets for 2022, we are just letting you know that we won’t be releasing them on 1 April this year. We are in the process of procuring a new booking system so we are delaying the launch of sales for 2022 until it is in place.
It will be a fantastic new system that will make it easier for customers to book and pay for a chalet online as well as booking in person. This will reduce the need for queuing on release days – no more camping out at 3am to secure your chalets!
Of course we will still be taking bookings at the office for anyone who is not happy or able to book online.
As soon as we have a date for the system going live we will send you out another newsletter with a launch date on it.
For this year’s bookings the roadmap is currently on track so here is how it pans out for chalet hire:
Chalet hire - Please note that all of the information below is subject to change depending on government advice at the time, we will update you with any changes if and when required
Good news!
Now that the government have outlined their roadmap to bring the country out of lockdown, we are delighted to let everyone know that the chalets will be reopening on 12 April in line with step two of reopening.
Chalet users will have to adhere to any current guidelines around households mixing, group sizes and social distancing but as long as cases continue to fall and the government are able to lift restrictions, you will be able to use the chalets again in a few weeks.From 12 April we will still operating with a reduced number of chalets and this will continue until 21 June. The rule of six will apply and you can only meet with one other household at your chalet. From 17 May, up to 30 people can meet up. Please be aware that it is a maximum number and you must respect that any people in neighbouring chalets may not feel comfortable being near that number of people. From 21 June all chalets will be operational and numbers are unrestricted. Again, please respect neighbouring chalet users and remain within the curtilage of your chalet. We do still have very limited numbers of chalets available for rent from 12 April all the way through to the end of summer. These are now on sale so if you would like to book a chalet for this coming season please contact the team who will do their best to facilitate your request. Please email us or leave a voicemail message or email but do so only once as leaving multiple messages slows the process down tremendously. Initially we will only be taking a £10 deposit per week, we will only take the balance once we know the booking will definitely take place. When we have been operational through the pandemic we have given no quibble refunds to people who could not attend their chalet booking for whatever reason. For all bookings from 21 June we will revert to our policy of not refunding any chalet deposits without a genuine reason. If the roadmap does not go according to plan, your chalet booking may be cancelled and any monies paid returned to you. If we need to keep social distancing measures in place after 21 June, bookings made after 3 March will be cancelled ahead of bookings made previously should there be a need to do so. Social distancing Please remember the simple rules – Hands, Face, Space, Fresh Air. This is for your own safety as well as that of other people you may come into contact with when on the beaches and promenades. Social distancing remains in place and with good reason in the current situation. Although the vaccination programme is being rolled out quickly there are still a lot of people who are have not yet received their first dose. If you are feeling unwell, please do not visit our facilities. If you, or a member of your family, are diagnosed as Covid positive please ensure you self-isolate as per current government guidance. Please be aware that the have team continued to work throughout the pandemic but at this time the office is closed to face to face visitors. You can still contact us by telephone or email if you have any queries or would like any additional information. Health and wellbeing The pandemic is taking a toll on everyone’s mental health and although days are getting lighter and the weather is improving, some people are still struggling. Please make sure that you get out into the fresh air as much as possible to take your daily exercise or take part in activities and hobbies that you enjoy and take your mind away from the negativity caused by the pandemic. It is also really important that you talk to someone if you feel unable to cope and the council offers a wealth of information of how to get help and support on their website at this address – Stay safe and take care of yourselves, we hope to see you soon